
Book Review: Food Politics

I learned the politics of chronic hunger and famine from section 5 and 6.

Typical case of choronic feature both calorie and micronutrition deficits at the same time. Undernutrition is a leading cause of infant mortality children under 5 die four times as often in underfed Africa as in today’s rich countries. As the politics of chronic hunger, the government should make a system about fair trade with developing countries. They should also prevail the fortification of flour with iron, folic acid, or vitamin B.

         A famines takes place when large number of people die quickly because they have not have enough food to eat. Famine have diverse cases: a natural event, a crop disease, flooding and so on. Famines can be prevented. Now, actual famine has become rare because of setting up NGO, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Food Program (WFP).

2 件のコメント:

  1. It's particularly a shame when countries and continents that have rich agricultural resources also suffer from high levels of childhood malnutrition and famine. As the book you're reading points out, some of the blame is due to trade arrangements that favor multinational companies rather than local farmers. In Ethiopia, for example, farmers cultivate a "super grain" that most people have never heard of called "teff." Not only is it gluten-free, but it's also high in protein, calcium and iron. Much of it is exported to first-world countries such as America and the UK while children in Ethiopia go hungry.

    Interestingly, a bread is made from the grain teff called "injera" and it is used like knives and forks to scoop up various other foods, making cutlery unnecessary. You can read more about this miracle grain in an article that ran in the UK newspaper The Guardian at http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2014/jan/23/quinoa-ethiopia-teff-super-grain .

  2. It is sad that part of the reason why things are so cheap in america is because there are a lot of poor countries exporting products to the united states.
