
Book Review: Food Politics

I learned the politics of chronic hunger and famine from section 5 and 6.

Typical case of choronic feature both calorie and micronutrition deficits at the same time. Undernutrition is a leading cause of infant mortality children under 5 die four times as often in underfed Africa as in today’s rich countries. As the politics of chronic hunger, the government should make a system about fair trade with developing countries. They should also prevail the fortification of flour with iron, folic acid, or vitamin B.

         A famines takes place when large number of people die quickly because they have not have enough food to eat. Famine have diverse cases: a natural event, a crop disease, flooding and so on. Famines can be prevented. Now, actual famine has become rare because of setting up NGO, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Food Program (WFP).

Restaurant Review: Tom Boy

I went to Tom Boy which is Indian Café and Dining with Yukari at lunch. The restaurant is located near Shibuya station, and there is the second basement of Toho cinemas, so we can go there easily. The atmosphere is good. There are many Indian decorations: carpets, ornament, sofa and so on, so I felt Indian culture. We could choose a course from A, B or C in lunch menus. A course makes up with one kind of curry and rice or nan bread. B is two kinds of curries and C is three kinds of curries plus rice or nan dread. We chose B course, so I ordered chicken curry which is mild taste, lamb curry which is spicier than chicken, and nan bread. The cuisine was served immediately, so I did not have waiting time. All of them is delicious for me. In addition, it is very cheap. At lunch, we can get the cuisine not more than 1000 yen. As good news, students can eat it to reduce 100 yen at a discount if you show a student’s curd. Tom Boy is very nice restaurant, so I want to visit again!!!!!


Youtube: Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate and Weight Loss

     This video is about health benefits of dark chocolate and weight loss. I can’t believe it when I looked the video’s tittle. I thought chocolate is high calories, not good health and put on weight. However, dark chocolate have a several benefit for our health. I think many people don’t know about this information. It is very happy for me to keep health only to eat sweet dark chocolate. We should get dark chocolate in our life and I hope to be made more delicious cuisine of dark chocolate:-)


Concert: Bluseman Steve Gardner

I had good time on November 22. Bluesman Steve Gardner came to AGU and played in front of many students including me. His voice is beautiful, powerful and light. In addition the words are clearly, sharply and sometime humorous like Chicken Song. I wanted to listen to his song again. I’m happy to meet him.

After his playing, we enjoyed talking with him. He said “You should prepare your dream”. The word have been remained my mind. I decided to try anything more now and I would like to realize my dream.

Charles McJilton and 2HJ

Mr, Charles McJilton is CEO of 2HJ and an adjunct professor at Sophia University teaching NGO management. He started an NGO in Japan which is 2HJ because he aimed to reduce waste and get food. 2HJ helped many people by providing food to disaster areas in Tohoku.


According to A Visual History of 2HJ, amount of wasting food in Japan per a year is 5 million tons. The number is similar to the amount of support of food in the world.


I’m interested in the problems, and a book which I chose for book report in IE seminar class said the similar problems. We should learn more about poverty and food, so we have to reduce waste food everyday like Charles McJilton’s activity.